THE DAY THE SUN FELL on Swiss TV (SRF1, 7.7.2017, 22:25 PM)

Two Awards and a special mention at the FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL JEAN ROUCH in Paris!

THE DAY THE SUN FELL was awarded the Prix Anthropologie et développement durable and the Prix Mario Ruspoli at the FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL JEAN ROUCH in Paris.
Further the film received a special mention in the category Fleury Doc.
Two Awards in September and October 2016
THE DAY THE SUN FELL was awarded the 2016 David Plath Media Award for best film work on East Asian Anthropology and the Fethi Kayaalp Grand Prize – 2nd Prize 2016 at the Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary (BIFED) in Turkey!
Jury statement 2016 David Plath Media Award:
“This remarkable film begins as a personal quest to uncover the history of the director’s loving, yet enigmatic, grandfather, who was a physician for the Red Cross in Hiroshima the day of the bombing. Domenig powerfully melds that traumatic past with the
contemporary nuclear devastation of the March 11, 2011 triple disaster, which took place during the course of the film’s production. Featuring compelling characters and a finely paced narrative, The Day the Sun Fell brings to light a repressed history of Japanese victims of the nuclear bomb and the medical personnel who served them, by following two elderly survivors, a doctor and nurse from Hiroshima. Delicately interwoven with these portraits are interviews with the filmmaker’s widowed grandmother. The film demonstrates the power of ethnographic cinema to capture a big story with intimacy and nuance, and would be effective for teaching courses on war, illness, trauma, nuclear culture, and contemporary Japan.”

THE DAY THE SUN FELL was awarded the Horizonte-Filmprize, which is “…given for a film that is prone to peace, freedom, justice and harmonious coexistence between humans, animals and nature and which represents these goals cinematic in an effective form.”
Swiss Film Prize 2016 for Best Film Score

MARCEL VAID wins the Swiss Film Prize 2016 for the film score of THE DAY THE SUN FELL!
Two nominations for the Swiss Film Prize 2016

THE DAY THE SUN FELL has been nominated for the Swiss Film Prize 2016 in two categories: Best Documentary Film and Best Film Score (Marcel Vaid).
The award ceremony takes place on March 18th in Zurich an will be live broadcasted by Swiss Television (SRF).